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Mi shemaamin eyal golan download

The song is also often played at Chassidic weddings.” As the liner notes state, “It has become traditional for the musicians play this tune at the start of the Lag BaOmer festivities in Tzfat. It is an instrumental track that modernizes a very old traditional tune, yet doesn’t lose the traditional feel. As is noted in the liner notes, “The group explores these songs using the band members’ diverse musical influences, blending Chassidic/Klezmer music with Middle-Eastern, Rock, Reggae, Punk, Ska, and other musical styles in an organic manner.”Ībbo’s Courtyard – This is an old traditional debka that I grew up hearing at weddings as one of the earliest horas.

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In my opinion, Binyomin Ginzburg has put out a very enjoyable album both musically and vocally. As I give my song by song assessment I will relate the song’s association as noted in the albums extended liner notes. All the songs are somehow associated to Breslov Chassidus, whether actual Breslover niggunim or other popular Chassidic nigunim that have become famous by Miron or Uman festivities. The songs, some which I knew already and some which I now know are not new songs, but they are performed by BBB in a tasteful yet modern way. It lived up to my expectations and is a really enjoyable album to listen to. It’s been a busy time in my life since then (if you know me then you know why) but I made sure to listen to this album over and over again. When it was released I posted a recommendation on JMR without listening to the whole album, but I was confident by listening to the previews that it was an album worth investing in and recommending. It is almost three months since Breslov Bar Band released their album Happy Hour.

Mi shemaamin eyal golan download